Monday, August 1, 2011

A Novel Idea

Hebbo Frehbbends,

Just a quick note to say thank you for checking in and reading this from time to time. I appreciate your patronage more than you will ever know and I find you all very attractive-- on the whole-- as a readership.

I know most of you don't comment-- and you know who you are-- and that's just fine by me, because I probably wouldn't comment back. But when you do it warms my cockles and reminds me that my eyes aren't the only ones on this stuff, and that's nice, too. But I wanted to write to you on this steamy summer morning because I have some news.

I thought it might be fun to share with you that the reason there were no posts in July is because I wrote a novel. I signed on-- in a sort of honor system way-- to write 50,000 words of a novel in 31 days, which I just completed yesterday, on July 31st. I was shepherded through the process by this book called, "No Plot, No Problem," written by the funny, friendly guy who started the National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo movement eight or ten years ago in San Francisco, I think. You can google it.

He posits that writers spend too much time talking about writing and not enough time doing it, so he challenges writers to write 1,700 words a day for 31 days and I did it. It was hard. No. It was grueling. But I did it, dammit and I hope you'll all cross your fingers for me and pray to the publishing sprites and fairies that my salacious sex-filled novel about sanctioned adultery amongst suburban friends sells a million copies and is in theaters by October.

It was fun and now I can join the pantheon of cocktail party bores who hoist a gin and tonic to their lips, take an important sip, then say, "Why, yes. I am a novelist." Then you can yawn and walk away.

At any rate, I'll keep you posted. And for the love of Pete, contact me if you know anyone in the publishing world. Thanks.

Lurv yous.
All a yous.



way of the world said...
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Carla said...
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LeighRaff said...

Vicki, congratulations on writing an entire novel. Many talk about writing a book, but few put pen to paper to accomplish it. A friend of mine is currently participating in NaNo right now. She highly recommends it. The New Jersey Romance Writers is a great organization to network with other writers, learn about the publishing industry, and gain access to editors and agents. If you're interested, let me know. I'm a on their executive board!