Friday, January 22, 2010


Turned off the ignition
and slumped down a little
My driveway was dark and
the song wasn't finished

I dared myself further
to turn it up louder
The rear view was bouncing
the speakers now buzzed.

Holed up in the warmth, I
chose to stave off it all
closed my eyes turning
it higher and waited

for something inside me
to say cut it out, it's
improper to ache while
a guest in the studio.

The voice wasn't my own
and shhh he was counting,
tapping his foot
for the band to begin again

Grabbing the mic
he sang into my mouth
just as strings looked away and I
leaned towards him singing

He wasn't inside me,
my ears were still in the car
loose in the air
that was louder and listening

Breathing, he inhaled
and I felt his whiskers
then willed him to wear
what I wanted and he did.

High school and college kids
think they're the only ones
little do they know that
we know that place

that space in the car
where you listen so loud
that the singer is aching for me
not the other way

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