Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Church of Choice

My son, Jimmy, and I have been getting Daddy accustomed to the idea that we're going to church now. My husband is, most decidedly, not, which is ironic as he was a religion major in college. OK, maybe it's not so ironic, but he plays along by asking our son how it went every Sunday after services.

One day during brunch, after a bit of direct questioning on my son's part as to what Daddy's own particular brand of church is, my husband answers, "The Mets is my church."

I'm thinking, "Oh, great."
Jimmy waits a beat and counters with, "Writing is Mommy's church."

Hallelujia, praise the Lord, little Jimmy's catching on.


B said...

Perhaps a repost:

I really enjoyed your Washington Post article, "Church Junkie." Is the Episcopal church you refer to in Joisey? I had kept the article in hopes that it was in the DC area.

Unknown said...

Never mind, I found my answer in a more recent post.